• First Android Application Released – FillLPG

    To those of you who are are following the mini-series on using maps in Android it will not come as a great surpise that I have now released my first Android application which implements Google Maps.

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  • Using Google Maps in your Android Applications – Part 4 [Displaying Information Popups]

    This tutorial was created using the Google Maps API v1 and as it is not possible to obtain a v1 key anymore this series of posts is pretty much obsolete. I’ve been looking at creating an updated set of tutorials and I’ll post them as soon as they are ready.

    A little later than hoped and by popular demand (OK, at the time of writing there were only two requests in the comments of the previous part) this is the last part of this mini-series looking at using Google Maps in your Android applications.

    In previous parts we have configured our project and displayed a simple map, centered the map on our current location and displayed markers on points of interest. Now we are going to allow the user to tap on one of these markers in order to see additional details about the associated location.

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  • Moving from WordPress to Drupal 7

    When I initially started this site it was a simple blog implemented using the Joomla! Content Management System. This was soon replaced by Wordpress which has been the underlying platform for about two years – until now.

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  • Using Google Maps in your Android Applications – Part 3 [Adding Place Markers]

    This tutorial was created using the Google Maps API v1 and as it is not possible to obtain a v1 key anymore this series of posts is pretty much obsolete. I’ve been looking at creating an updated set of tutorials and I’ll post them as soon as they are ready.

    If you have been following along with Part 1 and Part 2 of this mini-series you should now have a basic Android application which displays your current location on a map. Not amazing functionality I’ll admit but the basis for many location based applications in the Android Market. What will make the application truly useful is the ability to add markers at specific locations, e.g. points of interest, cash machines, checkpoints etc.

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  • Using Google Maps in your Android Applications – Part 2 [Showing Current Location]

    This tutorial was created using the Google Maps API v1 and as it is not possible to obtain a v1 key anymore this series of posts is pretty much obsolete. I’ve been looking at creating an updated set of tutorials and I’ll post them as soon as they are ready.

    In my last post I showed you how to create a basic Android application which would display a map and zoom in to a specific location, my home town. While the functionality was not what you could call awe-inspiring it does lay the foundations for most mapping applications and serves as a good starting point. You can download the code from Part 1 but you will need to insert your own Google Maps API key for it to display the maps.

    In this installment I had intended to continue from where we left off last time and add the functionality required to display markers/pins on the map to indicate points of interest. There are however a couple of areas to cover and I didn’t want to end up writing a massive post to cover both – so I’m going to split this functionality into two parts; showing the current location and showing locations of points of interest.

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