When I initially started this site it was a simple blog implemented using the Joomla! Content Management System. This was soon replaced by Wordpress which has been the underlying platform for about two years – until now. While WordPress is a great blogging engine (some say it’s the best) it no longer fits my requirements so I’ve taken the plunge and moved the site to Drupal 7 which not only provides a good blogging platform but also provides me with the additional functionality I’ll need going forward.

Now I like Drupal, I’ve used version 6 as the basis for a number of sites, but I was going to use the new release (version 7) for this site. However the move to Drupal has not been as smooth as I would have liked, mainly due to issues with importing the existing content and getting some of the modules working as I wanted. As with other Open Source CMS projects there is a wealth of contributed modules available to provide additional functionality and a number of community support sites where existing users provide help and advice.

While the site is now live, it’s not finished yet and there may be some minor issues and formatting glitches so please bear with me. If you find a link that does not work, a download that is missing or anything else that strikes you as wrong then please either contact me via the contact page or leave a comment on the appropriate posting.

Onwards and upwards.