• IR35 – Delayed; but not forgotten

    hmrc logo Yesterday (17th March 2020) the Government announced that they would be postponing the rollout of IR35 changes into the private sector due to the Coronavirus outbreak.

    In the video below, despite the Minister referring to ‘off roll payroll working rules‘ (maybe indicating that he has no real idea what they are), he confirms that the changes will be tabled again ready for implementation in April 2021.

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  • Using Fonts for Icons in Xamarin.Android

    I’m currently working on a new privacy application for Android and in a previous post I guided you from the Xamarin.Android Drawer Navigation project template to something that actually worked (as in you could actually use the pretty navigation provided by the template).

    Now I wanted to change the menu items to something more relevant with some appropriate icons – I mean, how hard can that be right?

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  • IR35 and the Implosion of the Contracting Market

    mock ir34 for dummies book cover When I checked Twitter this morning my heart sank – I was watching the new Chancellor (Rishi Sunak) regurgitate the HMRC view of IR35 and the changes to be rolled out into the private sector in April.

    He was essentially announcing the Death Knell of Flexible Working as we know it – the contract market will shortly implode even further than it already has.

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  • Book Review: Mastering Xamarin.Forms

    mastering xamarin forms book cover It may sound odd but from time to time I get approached to review a book which is either due to be or has just been published.

    I say odd because I’m just a regular developer – not a podcasting rockstar (or even a blogging one). Why would my option be worth a free copy of a book?

    Maybe it’s because I’m just a regular developer – just like most of us.

    Some of these I let pass me by, especially if I have no real interest in the content, i.e. a technology that I am not using and have no plans to use – F# for example. I frequently say that ‘you have to pick your fights when it comes to technology – you can’t win them all’.

    So, when Packt asked if I would review this book it made me wonder:

    “How much of a master can I be after reading a book that’s ‘only’ 200 pages?”.

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  • Getting Started with Visual Studio 2019 Android Navigation Drawer template

    the vanilla app So, I’ve had an idea for another privacy-focused application, this time aimed at mobile devices – Android in particular (I know that Apple are a little touchy about encryption apps – maybe I’ll venture into iOS at a later date).

    Notwithstanding my desire to keep my skills up to date I knew that the project I have in mind would require a lot of platform specific logic. While Xamarin Forms can handle this I prefer to take the hit, roll my sleeves up and I opted for a native Android project instead – and that’s where the trouble/fun started.

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