• Online Tool: UnminifyCode

    unminify site logo If you’re a web developer, regardless of what programming language you are using, you’ll be familiar with minified CSS, Javascript and HTML files. For the uninitiated these are files which have had unnecessary whitespace, line breaks and formatting removed with variable/function names shortened where applicable.

    While this results in files that are difficult for humans to read, browsers are still able to load and parse the data (unless the minification process has been a bit heavy-handed).

    These files are normally used in preference over the unminified versions because of the reduced file size – making for quicker page load times.

    That’s all well and good, but what happens when all you have is a minified file, from say a third party library, and you want to edit or, in the case of Javascript, add breakpoints to debug one of these files?

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  • Getting stuff done under Lockdown

    plualsight profile banner As we enter week six of the Covid-19 lockdown here in the UK I am still ‘between contracts’. I’ve had a handful of video interviews but these haven’t led anywhere yet – but I’m not sitting around idle.

    Notwithstanding the decorating, gardening and spring-cleaning (of office and summerhouse – I’m not trusted to attack the house itself) I have been hitting Pluralsight online tech training hard for the past few weeks.

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  • Covid19 – A Privacy Warning

    internet privacy In these weeks of lockdown in the UK due to Covid-19 there have been a number of incidents of the police overstepping their powers;

    The police chief was forced to u-turn in his threat while the forces involved with the other two incidents say that the officers were ‘well intentioned but over zealous’ – but to my mind, that’s not the point.

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  • Covid-19 Support Response – Update

    In my previous post I stated that ‘As Directors we are not able to furlough ourselves and therefore would not be eligible for the Governments Covid-19 Job Retention Scheme‘.

    I also said ‘the details of these measures are still coming out and there is a great deal of confusion so what I’m about to write may well change going forward‘ – and it has (although a bit quicker than I expected).

    If you don’t know who Martin Lewis is then check out the Money Saving Expert website. Basically, when this guy says something, especially it’s all in CAPS then he’s checked and double-checked the facts. He wouldn’t make this kind of statement without being absolutely sure.

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  • Covid-19 Support Response

    government logo With the UK in lock-down due to the CoronaVirus (Covid-19) everyone is justifiably concerned about their jobs and their income.

    In an unprecedented move the Chancellor, Rishi Sunak, has announced a raft of measures from mortgage holidays, deferment of tax payments as well as packages to pay 80% of people income (or £2500/mth).

    As wide reaching as the measures are the contractor community is up in arms because we appear to have been left out in the cold.

    Now, the details of these measures are still coming out and there is a great deal of confusion so what I’m about to write may well change going forward.

    The two main packages are:

    • Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme (link)
    • Covid-19 Self-Employment Income Support Scheme (link)
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