• Running Screwturn Wiki under Mono

    So at work we had a need for a Wiki of some description and after evaluating a number of different systems we decided to go with ScrewTurn. This is written in C# and was initially installed on a Windows Server under IIS – and all was well. At the same time I was evaluating the Statusnet microblogging platform – which we then also decided to implement for internal communication (Yammer and Twitter were deemed as not being suitable).

    Now, here lies a problem; Screwturn is written in C# and supported to run on Windows but statusnet is written in PHP and I had no end of problems getting all of the requirements (mainly php_curl) running under IIS. On the flip-side, installing statusnet on a Linux platform like Ubuntu is a breeze once the LAMP stack is installed – but what about Screwturn? Obviously I knew about Mono but didn’t have any really experience with it – would it support enough of the .NET Framework to run the Wiki? If so then we could implement both Screwturn and Statusnet on an Ubuntu server (actually a VM) our DMZ – replacing the ageing tin box Windows server.

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  • So Skype on Android, What’s it like?

    So today I found out that Skype have released an app for Android 2.1+ devices and just had to give it a whirl. I have friends in France and Thailand that I’d like to keep in touch with and Skype is a very cost effective way of doing so. Ok I could use the full application on my laptop/netbook (yep – the Linux versions run just fine) but hard to believe as it may be, I don’t have them turned on all the time. Having Skype in my pocket would be fantastic, but would it work?

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  • Writing a plugin for Statusnet : Part 2

    In a previous post previous post I configured my development environment so that I could start work on my Statusnet plugin. Well, a little later that anticipated, I’ve managed to get enough time together to get a working plugin – although it’s not perfect by any means.

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  • Ubuntu Forums: The font of all knowledge?

    Many developers will know about the Stackoverflow ‘trilogy’ of sites which take a fresh approach to user forums. In addition to the Developer, SysAdmin and PowerUser sites the Stackoverflow team are also hosting more specialist sites such as Game Development, photography and even home improvement. In amongst these is a site dedicated to my operating system of choice, Ubuntu. It’s still in it’s infancy but if Stackoverflow is anything to go by it will flourish into a place where users know that there is quality content.

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  • Skobbler SatNav for Android: First Impressions

    One of the reasons I bought a smartphone was to use it as a SatNav – thus removing the need to carry around two devices. I’d heard that Android phone came with turn-by-turn navigation – for free! However, I didn’t really do my homework and bought a HTC Hero. Not that there was anything wrong with the phone itself, but it was running Android 1.5 which didn’t have the functionality I wanted. With a trip to France looming I bought CoPilot 8.0 for Android with the Europe maps and apart from a few, minor niggles I’ve been quite happy with it. However, just because I have one SatNav application doesn’t mean I can’t have another – I’m a gadget junkie after all.

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